Mag 22, 2018
MICROALGA VITA GS Purification from the heart of the earth A water-soluble extract rich in active compounds derived from the red micro-alga Galdieria sulphuraria ANTI SEBUM/PORE REFINER/ SLIMMING Microalgae Claims ANTI SEBUM/PORE REFINER/ SLIMMING Microalgae ANTI...
Mag 7, 2018
MICROALGA VITA SP Achieve the control of water balance in living cells A fermentend Spirulina platensis algae extract HYDRATION Microalgae Claims HYDRATION Microalgae HYDRATION Microalgae Claims HYDRATION Microalgae BENEFITS • protects skin cells from dehydration •...
Mag 3, 2018
MICROALGA VITA IS A blue-green algae from Ischia’s thermal water relives sensitive skin European capital of wellbeing, from Ischia’s thermal water we developed Microalga Vita IS, your personal SPA Microalgae SENSITIVE SKIN Claims Microalgae SENSITIVE SKIN Microalgae...
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